Now once a year we have this joyous occasion (being OH's bday) but with this joyous occasion also comes a quandry....what sort of birthday cake do you make someone who doesn't like 'cakey things' - his words not mine.... Previously I have done a cheesecake and an ice cream cake, but this year I wanted something different and really when you try googling 'birthday cake without cake' you really don't get that much assistance! But after quite some time I had my light bulb moment (right at the last minute too!) and had a flash back to OH and I sitting on the couch, me reading a recipe mag and OH saying 'oohhhh I would like that' whilst pointing at a gorgeous looking crepe cake. So Crepe Cake it was! I decided on a nutella and strawberry version as OH loves nutella. So here is how you do it...
Nutella and Strawberry Crepe Cake
16 Crepes (I used the Creative Gourmet ones)
220g jar of Nutella
1/3 cup strawberry jam
220g extra light philadelphia cream cheese
20ml Frangelico (Hazelnut liquer)
whipped cream
Ok so you could spread all your crepes and then stack them up but I don't have a ridiculous amount of kitchen space so I did it as I went.
- Combine your philly and strawberry jam in a bowl and set aside.
- Spread your first crepe with nutella and place on a serving plate.
- Spread the next crepe with the strawberry mixture and place spread side up ontop of the nutella one.
- Repeat your layers, finishing with a plain crepe.
- I then mixed my whipped cream with the frangelico to give it a lovely hazelnut flavour and spread over the top of the cake and decorated with strawberries.
This cake was not only delicious but dead easy. And it looks awesome when you cut into it, no one will believe it only took you 5 mins to put together!
You could also top it with chocolate sauce made by melting some chocolate, cream and frangelico together if you are after a more decadent dessert!
I have now started my new job and at this stage I'm thinking it is going to be very challenging, but the days are going really quick and I'm really enjoying the change so fingers crossed it stays that way!
Amazing! This cake is so gorgeous when cut into! Yum