The invite for the hen's night called it a Bridal Knees Up and stated that each guest was to bring either nibbles or a dessert, a torch, some small change, warm clothes, something from your own wedding and your champagne. Apparently start and finish was at the same location but sometime in between we would be jumping on a bus and terrorising the city. It sounded fantastic! Two of the ladies at work organise something similar whenever one of the girl's gets married - they even said they would do one for me before our January nuptuals!!
Anyway, last night I rugged up in my warm clothes, put new batteries in my torch, checked my wallet wasn't empty and raided the fridge for something alcoholic and set off on my merry way for my first Bridal Knees Up!
When we arrived, those who brought desserts were allowed to leave them inside and everyone else crammed onto the bus to start our adventure. It was pitch black dark, but everyone was in good spirits with champagne corks being popped left, right and centre. We set off on our merry way and the bus just drove round and round and round until we were all totally disorientated, the bus was full of whispers about where we were going and what we were doing, mixed with random singing and laughter...and then we saw it...the bus slowed down and pulled into a paddock and there in the middle of the paddock was a huge bonfire surrounded by tables and chairs. This was our nibbles stop! We stayed here for awhile, eating our way through biscuits, cheeses, dips and pastries and drinking our way through numerous bottles of champage, cameras were flashing, ladies were laughing and the fire was roaring, it was fabulous! But all too soon we were back on the bus and off to our next destination. As we headed over the river and away from town there were whispers of restaurants and secret locations...and when the bus pulled up at a dark desserted oval we weren't entirely sure what was going on! This was a games stop and we had a three legged relay race, it was hilarious, each of the bride's picked a team, but to be honest no one was taking it too seriously - my team may have cheated slightly - but we still lost!! Back on the bus for more singing and dancing in the aisles while we waited for our next this stage we were all starving so desperately hoping it was the dinner stop! Eventually we pulled into the Taroona Lounge Bar (known for its wood fired pizzas!) and I have to say there was nearly a stampede getting off the bus and in the door! Seeing as our final stop was dessert, one of the ladies from work and I decided to share a bowl of wedges and a bowl of roast vegies....OMG the vegies were heaven, mushies, broccoli, capsicum, zucchini, tomato, potato, pumpkin and sweet potato all cooked to perfection! As quickly as we arrived we were off again, this time it was back to where we started for the final (and most important) stop - DESSERT!! My god, the table was a sight to behold, there was a sponge with a layer of cream so thick I could barely take my eyes off it, cheesecakes, caramel cups profiteroles, a devine version of Donna Hay's chocolate squishy cake and my lil dessert cups! When we were asked to bring a dessert I started thinking about what would be required...something easy to eat, something light, something delicious and something that would suit all tastes...and this is what I came up with:
Strawberry Cheesecake Pots and Brownie and Chocolate Mousse Pots
Aren't they adorable! And they went really well, out of all the desserts these went first, I was so proud! And they were so easy!
For the Strawberry Cheesecake Pots - Combine 500g extra light philly with 200ml thickened cream, 1 small tub of vanilla yoghurt and 1/2 cup of strawberry jam. Spoon into serving glasses and top with crushed up butternut snap biscuits and a single raspberry.
For the Brownie and Chocolate Mousse Pots - Make up a packet brownie and packet chocolate mousse mix as per directions - or you can use your favourite recipes. Break up the cooked brownies and divide between serving glasses. Top with chocolate mousse and 2-3 raspberries.
Easy, simple, light, delicious and transportable!!
I had such a great night at the Bridal Knees Up - it's just such a good idea, like a more civilised version of the traditional hen's night, I can't wait for my own now!
And as for today, OH has been at work all day - 13 hours and counting so far - so I had a sleep in, laid in bed with a white hot chocolate (new favourite hot drink), got up and did some house work, went out and dropped some stuff off at The Salvos, had a gorgeous salad for lunch with OH, did the groceries, made tomorrow night's dinner and some risotto so I can make risotto balls for OH's and now I'm full on slothed out on the couch awaiting the boy's arrival so we can have bikkies and cheese for tea!
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend :)
Em x
Hi Emily, I share your obsession with all things cooking, especially baking. Have you tried using the breville BOV800XL toaster oven for your baking? It is small, fits onto the countertop, and is economic to use. I will be back to see what new recipes you have added. Thanks for your enthusiasm. Zafira.