Then yesterday OH and I took a road trip up to Burnie which is 3.5 hours drive away to look at a bike for me! It was a little 250 Virago and it was just perfect, when I sat on it, it just felt right, everything was comfortable and easy to reach so hopefully it is going to be a great learner bike for me :) My uncle is doing some negotiating and all things going to plan, it will be here waiting for me when we get back from Melbourne next Saturday! To be honest I'm terrified about riding on the road, but you never know if you don't give these things a go! Whilst we were up north we also went to the Imaginarium (like a science works) where they had a display on all things spy related which was pretty cool, to Penguin where we saw the small, medium and large Penguin statues scattered through the town, to Anvers Chocolate Factory which was very impressive, just a shame the factory wasn't operating because it's all glass windows so you can see everything being made, and for a scenic drive through the Great Lakes which was just beautiful and we even saw wild deer - when we got home we were exhausted but it was a great day :)
Today I went shopping, OH brought me a gorgeous winter coat a few weeks ago, but since then I have worn it like every single day so today I went in search of another one in an effort to preserve the first one, I was thinking red, I was thinking thick, I was thinking warm...but in my wildest dreams I could not have imagined this - OH says I remind him of Paddington Bear in it, but I just love the look of it and it's so cosy!
And then tonight we had a big bowl of potatoes, spring onion and chorizo topped with cheese and sour cream...oh it was soooooo good!! Just boil the some halved spuds while you cook the spring onion and chorizo in the fry pan. Add the boiled spuds to the fry pan and cook for a few mins or until they start to get that golden look about them and serve :)
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend :)
Em x
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