It wasn't long however before we were greeted with delicious bubbling plates of tomato and cheesey goodness
Woohoooooooooo it was cannelloni! And not just ordinary cannelloni, but Cannelloni Stuffed with Ricotta, Carrot and Zucchini - see I even got you an inside shot it was that good!
And because I am always thinking of you, I got the recipe so you can make it for yourselves :)
6 fresh lasagne sheets (cut in half to make two smaller rectangles)
15g butter
2 zucchini grated
2 carrot grated
2 chicken stock cubes
250g grated cheese
250g light ricotta
1 red onion diced
2 x 400g tins of diced tomatoes with herbs
Melt the butter in a fry pan over medium heat. Add zucchini, carrot, onion and stock cubes and saute until soft. Remove from heat and stir through 1/2 cup grated cheese and all of the ricotta. Season with salt and pepper.
Pre-heat oven to 180C and grease a baking dish. On one of your lasagne sheet halves, place a good tablespoon of the mixture down one edge lenghtways and roll up to make a tube. Place in a baking tray and repeat with remaining mixture and sheets. It's ok if they sit snug in the tray.
Top with diced tomatoes and remaining cheese.
Bake for 15-20 mins or until cheese is melted and golden.
Everyone loved this, it was such a gorgeous filling, we thought we might try it in lasagne form next time!
So after dinner we all sat in the lounge room with our happy, content bellies...but there was something else brewing - we weren't allowed in the fridge, we weren't even allowed in the kitchen which could only mean one thing....dessert was coming!
Now I feel this is a good time to point out that Dad did ask me last night if we could call a truce at some stage because Mum and I use these Tuesday night dinners to whip out some impressive recipe we have been dying to try and it has ended up being a bit of a joke to see if we can out do each other each week....
This is when dessert came out....
Individual trifles...raspberries topped with jam roll topped with more raspberries, some raspberry jelly, double thick vanilla custard and a generous dollop of whipped cream...The jam rolls soaked up the juice from the raspberries and it sort of had that summer pudding look to it...and the was decadent, it was devine, it was delicious...and OH (who normally is a very slow eater) had inhaled his before everyone else had taken their second spoonful!
So this is me....waving my little white flag...I surrender Mum!!!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Em x
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