Like recently I was making my Dad's 50th cake...I needed a little tiny bit of yellow frosting, a little bit of white, some grey and some black....somehow I ended up with large amounts of all of the above. Now the yellow frosting was custard flavoured and seeing as I needed all of a tablespoon and had made oh I don't know like 3 cups worth, something had to be done.
And do you know what that something was? Add 2 eggs and around 1 - 1.5 cups self raising flour to 2 cups of frosting, beat it all up and chuck it in the oven at 180C for around 30 mins or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Now I had no idea how this would turn or if it would even work at all, but I couldn't have predicted the amazing cake? tart? pie? that came out of my oven! It had a delicious chewy outside, a soft, moist chewy custard flavoured inside, oh it was heaven!!!

And for the record I have since tried this with chocolate frosting - if you use the above recipe plus 90g chocolate melted, you have yourself the quickest and easiest mudcake you will ever find!!
At this stage I feel I should say I am a recipe follower, I need a recipe infront of me, I might completely tweak the hell out of it and end up with something totally different, but I need the recipe as a starting point and I always say to Mr B I wish I could be like him and just throw stuff together. And now that I have, I am most proud :) So today's lesson is that sometimes it pays to just say to hell with it and experiment!
Mrs B x
ok ... So im not exactly sure how long i have been reading all your shoe posts but one thing I have to say is: When are you putting up more of your shoes? :)