Would you believe OH and I have been together for 4 years today? 4 whole years. It seems like we have been together forever but also like no where near long enough all rolled into one :) I have been trying to spoil him a bit over the last week and one of the little treats I had up my sleeve was this Nutella Bread and Butter Pudding

And the best part is it's so easy! All you need is:
2 slices of bread
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1 tbspn thickened cream
1 tbspn brown sugar
1 tbspn butter
1 tbspn plus 2 tbspn extra of Nutella
Preheat oven to 160C
Spread one slice of bread with butter and one slice with nutella. Sandwich together.
Cut the sandwich into small cubes and place in a small ramekin.
In a bowl whisk the egg, milk, cream and sugar. Pour over bread mixture.
Using the remaining 2 tbpns of nutella, dot it over the top of your pudding (it might be easier if you melt it in the microwave first).
Stand for 10-15 mins.
Bake for 20-25 mins or until the bread is nice and golden and the pudding looks set.
Serve with a nice dollop of cream and enjoy!!
This recipe makes one, but it's a decent serve so grab two spoons and jump into bed with your loved one while you enjoy it!
Happy Anniversary Puddin Pop xx
Em x
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