Cupcake orders have been coming in thick and fast this week and I am pleased to say that we surpassed the $200 mark today! Yay!! I really am so thankful to everyone that has donated so far, it's such a fantastic effort and we are only two weeks in! But all these donations mean cupcakes galore - today alone I delivered 60! Everyone seems to automatically default to chocolate when I ask them what flavour cupcakes they want, so to make it slightly more exciting, I made some different frostings....the photo below is a selection of the ones that went out today...

In other non-cupcake related news (are we sick of the cupcakes yet!?) my Nan cleared out all her old cookbooks over the weekend and was nice enough to offer them to me. I picked them up today and she had also given me her old round loaf tins, I remember these from when I was little and they always use to fascinate me, I can't wait to test them out! There are so many cookbooks there, but the best part is Nan's handwritten recipe books. At Christmas time, my Mum gave me a book of her handwritten recipes, which I was really excited about, so having my Nan's as well will be very special. I can't wait to have a look through them all - in fact I'm off to make myself a cup of tea and start doing so right now!!
Em x
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