I actually can't take any credit whatsoever for this one. This is one of Mum and Dad's Tuesday night specials, they have been experimenting with Baked Ricotta a fair bit lately, but OH and I were yet to try it. So Mum thought it only fitting that she enlightened us :) We had some ricotta combined with spinach, garlic, mushrooms and semi dried tomatoes topped with fresh tomatoes and cheese baked in individual ramekins and served with a beautiful sour dough. We also had some tomatoes, potato and some 'store brought' baked ricotta as well. Doesn't it look delicious?? The ramekin of freshly baked ricotta was just begging for you to dive in there with your bread time and time again and do I even need to mention how good it is running a piece of fresh bread around a bowl / ramekin and mopping up all the juices?!? I didn't think so....
It was such a delicious meal, and so many things you can do with it, you could simply add some spices, or you could add grated carrot and zucchini and maybe even a few sultanas, the possibilities are endless!
Now I think the general gist of baked ricotta is get your ricotta and add your chosen combination of mix ins. Stir it all up, spoon into a ramekin(s) and bake for about 20-30 mins at 180C or until it looks set.
How easy is that!!
So go on, start planning a gorgeous brunch / lunch for your loved ones this weekend, sit down with them, chat, take turns diving crusty bread into the baked ricotta, they will love you for it :)
Em x
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