Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy 100 Posts!!!!

OMG who would have thought we would reach 100 posts!? When I started this I had no specific goals or anything, I just wanted an outlet to share my love of cooking and shoes and if people actually read this blog and enjoyed it, then that was even better! Time sure does fly when you're having fun though, I mean we have only been at this for what 8 months? I just can't believe we are at 100 already! I have decided that when I reach 12 months I'm going to by myself a gift and get my blog printed as a book - I didn't even know you could do that till the other day, but it will be a pretty cool keepsake I think! Anyway to celebrate this special occasion I made you all a cake!

Ok well not technically, technically I made a triple layer chocolate cake with brown sugar maple frosting and chocolate coated strawberries for my Dad's BDay, but I was thinking of you all when I did it!

Did I mention brown sugar frosting (especially with a dash of maple syrup) is freakin awesome!! The frosting is quite sweet but it was the perfect combination with the chocolate cake and the strawberries.

Happy Birthday Dad xx

Here's to another 100!!

Em xx

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