Alright let's go back to the beginning....
Last Thurs night OH cooked Fried Rice and my god it was knock your socks off awesome. It was just rice, snow peas, carrot, onion, ham, egg and some soy and worsterschire sauce....the boy can cook. We both sat down to two over flowing bowls of piping hot rice and the house was totally silent while we were eating except for the occasional noises of happy eaters!
And on Fri night when I got home my darling OH had brought me flowers, a CD and some caramels...not to mention on Thurs night he showed up with white chocolate raspberry bullets and white chocolate freckles : ) he does spoil me!
On Saturday our house was over run with boys...OH was pouring a slab for his shed so all his friends came to help and were rewarded with several bbq's and a poker night. The boys think I'm some sort of novelty when they have their bbqs and I stand there eating a bowl of stir fried vegies or nibbling on some bread! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the odd hamburger / sausage / rissole but I can take it or leave it. I watched and tried to learn, but alas I just don't think I'm meant to be a poker player! OH ended up winning the game though so he took me to the movies yesterday with his winnings and we watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It was hilarious, but totally random and you have to wonder what people were on when they come up with some of this stuff!
And today is the actual RSPCA Cupcake Day so I spent yesterday morning baking cupcakes for my parents to take to work with them today, OH even helped me decorate!
We also started making pizza poppers for OH lunches. You basically cook up a tin of diced tomatoes with some onion, ham, basil, garlic and pineapple, then you get a sheet of puff pastry cut into quarters and you put a tbspn on each sheet and top it with a small square of cheese. Bring the corners of the pastry up to meet each other and seal it like a lil parcel then chuck in the oven for 15 mins, OH loves them. So yesterday I made the mix and tonight I will make the parcels and post some photos if I can keep them away from OH for long enough!
We didn't end up having the spuds last week but I promise they will be on the menu this week along with a Pumpkin, Spinach and Ricotta Lasagne, Bolognese Rice Bake, Roast Tomato and Lentil Soup and Apple Crumble....nom nom nom!!!
Happy Monday everyone xx
Em x
EDIT: Lol I just realised I had 'first times' in my heading and I never wrote about it! On Sat OH and I were discussing apples and he asked me if I had ever had a toffee apple and I said no....the look on his face you would have thought I had told him I had never tried potatoes or something! So later that day I was doing the groceries quite happily by myself and guess what I found in the fruit and vege section! It was a sign, we were obviously meant to buy some and I was meant to have my first toffee apple experience...meanwhile I was standing in the supermarket on my own giggling to myself in front of a big display of toffee apples! So at the movies yesterday OH and I whipped out our toffee apples and I was very proud that I got the lil stick in there without spearing myself...till I realised that on the other side of the apple there was actually a lil hole for bad. Anyway I wasn't entirely sure what to do with it, do you lick them, bite them or just suck on them for awhile?! OH told me to just dive right in, so I did and it was awesome, kinda like that sugary taste you get from fairy floss mixed with juicy refreshing apple, I was most impressed. So I sat there chomping away, not caring that my jaws hurt from the toffee or that my fingers were sticky and pink or that I had apple juice dripping on my jeans....then I had a light bulb moment and leant over to OH and whispered (very seriously) 'Do these still have the cores in them??' and that was it, OH was laughing so much I thought he was going to need assistance....taking that as a yes, I took a bit more care eating the remainder of my apple and despite the sticky hands and the fact that my nails are still pink and my jaw ached for hours, I can't wait to try another one!!
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